
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reducing Blood Pressure with Herbal Medicine - 5 Free Secrets

I am amazed at how popular alternative treatments have become in the last 2 years alone. I am not quite sure if this popularity is caused by a poor economy or the side effect laden medications. Whatever your reason, I am glad you are making the switch to better your overall health and finally taking control of your blood pressure and life!

Thousands of high blood pressure sufferers will go completely natural this week and wean themselves off of high blood pressure medication. Why the switch?

Herbal Medicine
Why a Natural Remedy May Work for You?
Natural remedies have had their pros and cons. But only in the last decade, natural remedies have become one of the fastest growing treatments in the many parts of the world. Because research has now entered the natural health realm, people are more confident to try legitimate alternative treatments.

In the case of high blood pressure (also called hypertension), natural remedies are quite possibly the best method to lower your pressure. It is proven that people who try natural treatments are more likely to have better overall health.

Here are some tips to lower your blood pressure using herbal medicine.

Reduce Blood Pressure with These Secrets
1. Along with zinc and copper, selenium may be helpful for people with high blood pressure. These 3 nutrients are often low in people with heart disease, so it makes sense that supplementing them may be helpful to people with heart problems or high blood pressure. You can probably get enough of all three of these nutrients by taking a good multivitamin capsule (twice a day). Selenium comes from meat, dark greens, wheat, walnuts and Brazil nuts.

2. Beta glucan is found in oat bran and maitake mushrooms. It is beneficial for lowering cholesterol, which can help lower blood pressure if you already have high cholesterol. Oat bran is particularly helpful for moving waste materials out of the body.

3. An amino acid that helps the body produce nitric acid, L-argine may be helpful in lowering blood pressure. It can be found in meat, peanuts, soy and wheat products. A study that involved taking 2 grams of L-argine daily reduced systolic pressure 20 points after taking the supplement for just a few days. L-argine is also helpful for lowering cholesterol.

4. Studies have shown that consuming just a tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily lowered both blood pressure numbers by about 9 points.

5. Fish oil, also known as Omega 3 fatty acid, is very helpful for the heart. If you eat fish 2 to 3 times a week, you are getting enough. However, most of us don't eat that much fish. You should get a quality fish oil capsule to supplement twice daily.

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