
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Asparagus Nutrition Facts

Mother nature has endowed many nutritional and beneficial herbs for the betterment of mankind. We also have been wise enough to use these for health reasons! Asparagus is one such perennial and oldest known herb to the human civilization. In the primitive days, it was found in the regions of west Asia, some of the European countries and a few parts of northern Africa. However, speaking in today's terms, it is found in almost all the parts of the world as a vegetable crop. Asparagus is actually a genus and asparagus officinalis is the flowering plant that hails from this family.

With growing importance of health and fitness in the modern world, the common man, has begun researching on the nutritional plants, herbs and their extracts. You can therefore see information sources like the Internet, newspapers, health magazines and health and fitness channels on the television, often emphasizing on their importance, nutritional facts and health benefits. Asparagus is another important topic of discussion in this regard, as there have been many searches in the recent past, insisting on knowing, asparagus nutrition facts, for both steamed and cooked asparagus. Therefore we intend to learn about asparagus nutrition facts, calories in asparagus and also the health benefits of the same, through the write-up given below.

Asparagus Nutrition Facts
Asparagus Benefits

It is now established that, asparagus is nutritional. However, what are the health benefits of asparagus? Here's some discussion on the same.

- The antioxidants present in asparagus, help prevent the growth of cancerous cells in the body.

- Mineral content in asparagus juice is also helpful in controlling blood sugar levels.

- Asparagus is also good for the heart. Sufficient quantities of asparagus juice with some raw honey mixed, if consumed twice to thrice in a day, is healthy for the heart and also helps in heart enlargement.

- Asparagus has also been found to be preventing multiple sclerosis, bladder and urinary tract infections.

- Asparagus is also helpful for people suffering from high blood pressure, as it lowers down the blood pressure levels.

- Moreover, it is also beneficial for nursing mothers, as it helps increase milk generation.

- Asparagus also possesses antiviral and anti fungal properties.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Diuretic herbs

Diuretic herbs are also referred to as aquaretics because they increase urination without depleting electrolyte. These herbs reduce the water retention capacity of the body by causing the individual to urinate more frequently than usual. These herbs decrease the water retention by clearing the excess water present in the tissues. The process of clearing the excess water present in the tissues is referred to as forced diuresis.

Diuretic herbs are used in treating many diseases naturally and most of the times they do not have any side-effects on the human body. The herbs are used as a remedy for many diseases, like, kidney diseases, hypertension, edema, urinary tract infections, etc. The herbs can also be used for the treatment of excess fluid retention, drug overdose, promoting urination, etc. These herbs should be consumed under the supervision of a herbal practitioner or a person qualified in medicine.

Some of the diuretic herbs include saffron, sage, hops, fennel, chicory, mint, hops, skullcap, yarrow, golden seal, dandelion, nettle, marshmallow and spearmint. These herbal diuretics are safe and consumed by many people. Information related to a few of them is underlined below:

Linden: It is used as a medicine for headache, cold, fever, cough, high blood pressure and infection. It also reduces the smooth muscle spasms along the digestive tract and it is used as a sedative drug.

Yarrow: It eliminates the toxins and unwanted fluids present in the body via urination. The volatile oil of this herb creates a strong inflammatory effect.

Dandelion: Dandelion, a natural herb, cleanses the liver and blood stream. It amends the performance of the spleen, pancreas, kidneys and liver.

Green Tea: This herb is used as a stimulant by many people. It helps to heal wounds, controls bleeding and also improves heart health.
Stinging Nettle: The root of nettle plant consists of primary diuretic properties, however, other parts of this plant are used for the purpose of cleansing human system.

Consumption Diuretic Herbs
Many herbal diuretics can be taken in the form of capsule, tea or as an extract. Some of them can be consumed raw or can be eaten with salads, like mint, dandelion, sage, chicory, etc. For making tea using herbal diuretic, add a teaspoon of dried herb to a cup of boiling water. The tea should be steeped for 10-15 minutes in the container. After steeping, strain it and finally add honey to it. It is advised to have 1-4 cups of diuretic herb tea every day or 1-3 capsules per day can also be consumed. Before consuming the herb, its property should be well known and it should be consumed accordingly. Most of the herbs can be consumed in the form of capsule or tea; but it is always better to consult a herbal practitioner before taking any such step.

Side Effects of Diuretic Herbs
Different natural diuretic herbs have different side-effects. They are safe only if taken in moderate amounts. Over-dosage of the herb can give rise to problems or symptoms, like, reduction in blood volume, dehydration, nausea, diarrhea, etc. If the above symptoms persist, discontinue the consumption of these herbs.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Side Effects of Herbs

Herbs or herbal medicines have gained considerable popularity as an alternative treatment for alleviating a number of health problems including heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure and even certain types of cancer. However, various studies and researches have highlighted the possible side effects of several herbs, if taken in excessive amounts or in combination with some conventional medicines. Though it is not possible to discuss the side effects of every herb in this article, here is an account of a few important adverse impacts of some commonly used herbs.

Side Effects of Herbs

Side Effects of Herbs
Though, nobody can question the health benefits of herbs and their efficacy in controlling and preventing a number of ailments, many studies have revealed that their excessive use can have severe side effects. Angelica, garlic, goldenseal, ginseng, chamomile and gingko are some of the most commonly used herbs that can inhibit blood clotting. So, if you have any disorder associated with blood clotting, then you should not take these herbs without consulting a physician. Besides this, people who are taking anticoagulant drugs like aspirin and warfarin, for preventing the formation of blood clots inside the arteries, need to be more vigilant. This is because, these herbs have the same effect as that of warfarin or aspirin and therefore can increase the risk of bleeding. This can lead to serious conditions, especially if taken after surgery.

People with the autoimmune disorder should also be careful while taking herbal medicines. Autoimmune disorders are usually treated with immunosuppressant drugs that suppresses the immune system. On the other hand, herbs like echinacea (a Chinese herb) and goldenseal, have a stimulating effect on the immune system and hence, can counteract the effects of these medications. Herbal laxatives like senna, used for inducing regular bowel movement, can also have adverse effects on the health. If senna is taken for over a long period, it can cause chronic diarrhea, muscle weakness, irregular heart rhythm and damage to the kidneys and liver.

Besides these, many of the herbs such as aloe, garlic, green tea, etc, used in the treatment of several diseases, can produce allergic reactions. Green tea contains caffeine, an excessive intake of which, is associated with anxiety, irritability, insomnia and nervousness.

Comfrey is another popular herb that has been used to relieve a number of disorders like indigestion, stomach and bowel problems, thyroid disorders, hernia, cough, lung problems, hemorrhage and even cancer. However, some recent studies have shown that the consumption of comfrey can be dangerous, as it contains a compound, known as pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA), which is hepatotoxic and carcinogenic. Accumulation of pyrrolizidine in the body can cause blockage of the hepatic vein and liver failure.

Licorice is widely used in making candies and also in treating many diseases including colds, sore throats, bronchitis, allergies, irritable bowel syndrome and even tuberculosis. But, an excess consumption of licorice candies has been found to be harmful for the liver and cardiovascular system. Over-consumption of licorice causes hypertension and oedema and is particularly not recommended for people with hypertension and kidney problems.

So, we can summarize that like conventional medications, herbs also have side effects. Therefore, herbs should be used carefully and in moderate amounts for medicinal purposes. In addition to this, it is equally important to consult your physician regarding the benefits and side effects of herbs, to avoid any serious consequences that can arise from the over consumption of herbs and herbal medicines.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to wildcraft your own herbs

Many people who have an interest in natural and alternative health care that needs to be educated about the use of herbal supplements. Some people take this interest further and learn all they can about the herbs, the best I can to make your own herbal preparations. Herbs that may be the best for the needs of each person is an herb that grows in the local environment and, indeed, in one house of its own. Harvest your own herbs from the local environment, called the wildcrafting organic wildcrafted herbs may be the best resource for herbs that can be obtained.

Why Wildcraft Your Own Herbs?
Wildcrafting your own herbs is probably the best because you can be assured of freshness and vigor of the plant. You know the herbs that are organic. You know where they came from. Do you have a better idea of the condition in which the herbs were grown. You know the herbs that are clean and free of debris when harvesting because you are a person who cleans them.

Why are your own herbs wildcraft supply is normal if there was a famine crisis, or even to strike a commercial truck driver slowed the bus may be a day or longer. In difficult and stressful time, the immune system is compromised, and illness. Wildcrafted herbs have your own supply on hand to prepare your family for emergencies.

How To Identify Herbs For Wildcrafting
One of the best resources available for identifying herbs and wild plants in any locality in the United States is the county extension office. Some states offer beautiful, picturesque websites full of photo images to help you identify various plants and "weeds." Most have brochures, handouts, and field guides which may be helpful to take on herb walks. Often attached to county extension offices are Master Gardener's clubs, which are run by volunteer plant enthusiasts. Some of these volunteers may be valuable resources as you learn how to identify and wildcraft your own herbs.

Another excellent resource for identifying herbs in the wild are books written by herbalists on the topic of foraging. Authors such as Stephen Harrod Buhner, Tom Brown, Jr., and Nancy J. Turner provide a wealth of information on the practice of foraging. When selecting resources, do your best to find material written for the area in which you live.

Drying and Storing Wildcrafted Herbs
The best time to wildcraft herbs is in the morning after the dew has dried or in the evening, in dry weather. Collect your wildcrafted herbs in carefully-labeled paper bags. It is very easy to get herbs confused, especially once they are dried. Clean the dirt and debris off of the plants once you get them home. You may dry your herbs outdoors in the shade, or indoors by making small bundles and hanging them upside down on a drying rack or from a cord or clothesline. Never dry herbs in direct sunlight, as they may lose some volatile oils in the process. Always label the herbs.

Dry the herbs until they crumble easily when touched. Storing herbs before they are completely dry can cause them to get moldy. Once your wildcrafted herbs are dry, store them in well-labeled glass jars with lids. They will last almost indefinitely if kept in a cool, dry place.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thai Herbs Amazing

What Makes Thai Herbs Amazing?
There are many things that are typical of the brand and have done for the country. These are the Muay Thai, Thai silk, Thai Rice, Thai fruits, and of course Thai food. Ingredients that make Thai food is 'herbal' in Thailand, in conjunction with 'spices' are cleverly mixed in Thai food. Thai food as their main ingredient.

Thai Herbs Amazing
Although most herbs are used are used as condiments or seasoning materials, Thai hers are somewhat different from all other herbs. They have characteristic taste and aroma that are not found in other herbs. They have characteristic taste and aroma that are not found in other herbs. For example, ‘Horapha’ or Thai basil (Ocimum basilicum), the same species as the well-known sweet basils, has distinct aroma and flovor from that of other sweet basils and is well suited for several Thai dishes, which cannot be replaced with other sweet basils or other herbal materials. These dishes include ‘Kaeng Khieo Wan’, ‘Kaeng Phet’, ‘Phat Makheua Yao’, stc. Similarly, ‘Kaphrao’ or Thai holy basil (Ocimun tenuiflorum), has a distinct flavor and aroma from other holy basil (which has rarely been used as herbs as herbs in other countries); it has made Thai dishes, such as ‘Kai Pat Bai Kaphrao’, very well known to the Thais as well as foreigners. ‘Maeng Lak’ or hairy basil (Ocimum americanum) is indispensable in ‘Khanom Chin Nam Ya’ and ‘Kaeng Riang’. ‘Makrut’ or kaffir lime (Citrus hvstrix) whose leaves are used in many Thai dishes, gives a unique aroma and flavorl it is a major ingredient of the world famous Thai soup, known as ‘Tom Yam Kung’. Like Thai spices, Thai herbs are uniquely blended with Thai dishes such that they are inseoarable. ‘Tom Yam Kung’. For example, is world famous because it contains a blend of many herbs (and also a few spices), among them kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass stem, limejuice and chili (the last three, although not the leafy nor soft flowering parts of plant, but are treated here as herbs since they come from fleshy part of the plant). Two other related types of Thai dishes, ‘Yam’ and ‘Phla’. Will not taste as good without such herbs as kitchen mint, lemongrass and lime.

Thai Herbs Amazing
In addition to adding flavor to Thai dishes, most of the beneficial health properties of natural herbs. Therefore, it is fair to say that Thai herbs. With a beautiful green, they are good, they are added as a seasoning or garnish to make and delicious Thai food and beautiful natural gtomach on their stomach with the features and their freshness.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Burdock Root Tea

Burdock root is native to Europe and Asia. It has been a main ingredient in a number of herbal preparations. It is sweet in taste and has a sticky texture. Traditionally it has been used to treat fevers, cold, urinary tract infections and rheumatism. However, it lacks clinical evidence. Burdock root tea has been used as a diuretic and also in the treatment of cancer. Both leaves as well the root of burdock is used to make tea. We will see, how to prepare burdock root tea, but before that we will read on benefits of burdock root.

Burdock root tea
Burdock Root Tea Benefits
Tea made using burdock root helps in treating indigestion and other stomach problems. It is also known to strengthen and tone the stomach. Burdock root can also be used to treat urinary tract infections, bladder pain, gout as well as fluid retention. Glandular conditions, like swollen glands, etc. can also be treated with burdock tea. Burdock root uses, include treating a number of inflammatory conditions, rheumatic conditions, liver conditions, along with hepatitis, jaundice and liver problems.

Apart from these benefits, burdock also helps in stimulating secretion of bile. The use of burdock root tea for acne, especially teenage acne, is well know. Consuming burdock root for acne for a period of three or four weeks will help in dealing with persistent acne.

Burdock root and leaves can also be combined with dandelion root to make tea, which is an extremely effective liver cleanser and stimulator. Burdock also helps in treating respiratory tract conditions, along with asthma, skin conditions, like boils, eczema, scurvy, etc. fever as well as cancer. It is also known to neutralize and eliminate poisons from the system and also sciatica. Burdock combined with sarsaparilla is known to treat a number of skin ailments.

Burdock Root Tea Side Effects
Burdock has a laxative effect on the bowels and it can also stimulate the uterus, hence, it is recommended, that it should not be consumed during pregnancy. Handling burdock can also allergic reaction in some people. If you are allergic to pectic, then it is recommended you stay away from burdock root to avoid any allergic reaction. If you are currently, taking any medicines, then do not consume burdock root extract or tea, as it may effect the efficacy of the medication you are on. Diabetic or hypoglycemic patients are cautioned, that you may not want to take burdock root tea, as it may cause surge in blood sugar levels. One of the burdock root side effects is that it can also cause alterations in sodium and potassium levels. Consumption of burdock can slower the heart rate and cause dry mouth. At the same time, it may also interfere with the absorption of iron.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Toothache Plant

Toothache Plant Description
Toothache plants grow at a fast rate and exhibit perennial growth pattern under favorable conditions. The slender stems are erect and shoot upwards within a short time. Similar to other members of the Asteraceae family (e.g. sunflower, daisy, gerbera, etc.), the flowers of toothache plant are borne in head inflorescence. These attractive blooms are a blend of vibrant yellow and red colors. At one glance, the shape of these flower heads look like human eyeball. Thus, this herb is colloquially known as eyeball plant.

Toothache Plant
The interesting plant name is given with respect to its typical use as an age old remedy for relieving toothache. The leaves and flower heads of this plant contain spilanthol, an active component that imparts analgesic property to these plant parts. Thus, simply chewing the leaf or flower provides a numbing effect and reduces toothache. Apart from this toothache plant benefit, it is also appreciated for culinary applications. Fresh shredded leaves are sprinkled for garnishing salads, while whole leaves can also be cooked like other leafy veggies.

Tips for Growing Toothache Plant
A characteristic feature of this medicinal plant belonging to aster flower family is tolerance to frost and cold climatic conditions. It can be propagated easily from viable seeds. So, you don’t need to spend much for buying plantlets from nursery stores. However, the choice for starting from seeds or young plants is up to you. If you don’t like the hassles of sowing seeds, inducing them to germinate and transplanting them, then purchase healthy plantlets from a trusted supplier. Here’s how to grow toothache plants from seeds.

Toothache Plant
- First of all, select the plantation area of this tropical plant. It performs best in full sun to partial shaded condition, hence select a plantation site that meets this light requirement. Also, the selected area should have enough room to support optimal growth of this ornamental cum medicinal plant.

- Loosen soil and remove unwanted plants from the planting site, which otherwise will compete with toothache plant seedlings as they germinate. For poor garden soil, supplementing a decent amount of farmyard compost is a good idea. Then, sow toothache plant seeds sparingly in the prepared soil.

- Water the area frequently to ensure quick sprouting of toothache plant seeds. If the area is exposed to full sun, soil will dry out soon and delay germination. So, you need to monitor the soil regularly and make it moist at all times until sprouts develop. As the seedlings develop a couple of leaves, consider transplanting them.

- In case there are less seedlings, just thin out the weaker ones, making sure that the spacing between two young plants is 18 inch. Or else, uproot them gently without injuring the fragile roots. To make your task easier, uproot healthy seedlings with an appropriate garden tool and retain some soil along with the roots.

- Grow toothache plant seedlings in the same region by making planting holes (size should be sufficient enough to hold root balls). The ideal space between two toothache plants is 18 inch. Lesser than this will cause crowdedness to the plants as they grow and attain full size. Also, providing enough room allows proper light penetration and aeration to the plants.

- Water the newly transplanted toothache plant seedlings regularly to keep the soil moist (not soggy). Make sure you check for signs of weakness, withering and alike problems. After the plants get established to the soil, they become more tolerant to dryness and you can minimize the watering frequency.

- Let the toothache plants grow undisturbed for the first few weeks. When you notice development of lustrous green foliage, you can train them to induce bushy growth habit. Just pinch off the top parts (a few inches) of the plants and follow the same care level to enjoy large blooms.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Horse Chestnut Extract

Horse chestnut is a deciduous tree also known by the name, conker tree. Closely related to the buckeye tree, its usage in herbal medicine has been known for centuries. Today, it is cultivated on a wide scale in temperate climatic conditions. Nearly all parts of this tree (leaf, bark, flower and seeds) contain therapeutically active chemicals, and are used for medicinal purposes. When we say horse chestnut extract or horse chestnut seed extract, it is a processed product derived from the seeds.

Horse Chestnut
What is Horse Chestnut Extract?
For isolation of horse chestnut extract, the seeds are processed under sterile and controlled conditions. It contains active ingredients in pure and concentrated form. Of the several active chemicals, the most valuable component is aescin (also spelled as escin). Chemically, it is a blend of triterpenoid saponins, which are neuroprotective, anticancer and anti-inflammatory in action. Other useful constituents are favonoids, tannins, coumarins, phytosterol, amino acids and citric acid.

The therapeutic property of aescin is thinning of blood, and reducing the risk for leakage of blood from the capillaries. Overall, it strengthens the blood vessels and enhances blood flow. In the standardized form of horse chestnut seed extract, the percentage content of aescin is maintained at 16 - 20 percent. In alternative medicine, horse chestnut seed extract is mentioned to be a safe product for consumption, provided that it is unadulterated, dosage is correct and intake period is short-term.

Horse Chestnut
Horse Chestnut Extract Benefits
The application of horse chestnut extract for varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency and other blood circulatory conditions is documented in herbal medicine. In chronic varicose insufficiency, blood from the legs is not circulated back to the heart as it should. Other than treating circulatory diseases, this seed extract is claimed to be effective for other medical problems. For your reference, the purported horse chestnut seed extract benefits are highlighted below.

- Horse chestnut extract is effective for treating painful hemorrhoids.

- Use of this extract is also documented for treating edema. It increases fluid loss through urination, thereby minimizing water retention problems.

- In treating chronic venous insufficiency and other circulatory problems, the effectiveness of horse chestnut seed extract is compatible to using compression stockings (a medical hosiery).

- Its anti-inflammatory property makes it an excellent remedy for treating sprains and injury related tissue swelling.

- Poultices prepared with horse chestnut extract is applied for combating eczema symptoms, skin ulcer and alike skin conditions.

- Other claimed benefits of this extract include treatments for diarrhea, skin sores, fever, whooping cough, back pain and arthritis pain. However, there are very less scientific reports that support these claims.

Monday, September 5, 2011

milk thistle plant

how to grow milk thistle plant
Milk thistle, a flowering plant, belongs to the Silybum genus. They belong to various regions in Europe, Middle East, and North Africa. This plant is grown because the different parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Although more research is required, milk thistle is known to be used for liver disorders, diabetes, depression, gallbladder issues, jaundice, chronic hepatitis, and many other health conditions. Apart from these advantages, many people eat the leaves and flowers of the plant as salads. Even the seeds of the plant are roasted to use instead of coffee beans.

milk thistle plant
The milk thistle plant is also known as holy thistle, elephant thistle, blessed milk thistle, and ivory thistle in other parts of the world. The tube shaped pinkish-purple flowers bloom annually and its leaves are green with little white lines that resemble veins. The stalks of the plant can grow tall given the right environment and care. Even though there are only 2 species of this plant, there are many hybrid varieties that have been discovered due to the 2 species. In order to grow this plant, there are certain factors like sun, soil, watering requirements, and fertilizer that need to be taken care of. So read the rest of the article to find out how to grow milk thistle.

Planting Milk Thistle
Milk thistle grows from seeds, so you have to begin with planting them in a pot inside your home. With the fingers, push the seeds inside the soil. If you are planting any of the annual varieties, the best time of the year to plant the seeds is early spring. As for the biennial varieties, plant them during early summers. The seeds require germinating, which takes about 2 to 3 weeks and once they do, it is time to transfer them outdoor. You will require seed trays filled with potting soil. Plant 3 to 5 seeds together and water them on a regular basis. Once germination occurs, start the transferring process. Annual varieties need to be transplanted outdoors after the last frost and biennials get transplanted outdoors close to end of summer.

milk thistle plant
In the garden, you need to choose an area where there is sunlight for about 8 hours a day but the plants grow in partial shade. Since the plant is resilient, there is no soil preference for growing milk thistle. To ready the soil, you need to fertilize it and remove any and all vegetation so that the plants can grow properly. You can even plant the seeds directly in the garden. All you have to do is rake the soil about 1’’ from the top and spread the seeds around. Rake the soil again and slightly cover the seeds with the soil. This way, even with harsh winds blowing, the seeds won’t blow away or around the garden. Water the garden so the soil is damp and keep watering the seeds till they germinate. Once the sprouts begin to grow, you don’t need to water them too often. Just keep in check that the leaves don’t wilt. Remove weeds from the garden so that milk thistle plants can have enough nutrients to grow properly.

To keep the aesthetics of your garden alive, you need to prune the stems from the top when the flowers begin to wilt. Whether you are growing milk thistle plants for brightening your garden or milk thistle benefits, follow the important instructions mentioned above on how to grow milk thistle. Follow them properly and watch your garden flourish with milk thistle plants all around.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Banaba Leaf

Benefits of Banaba Leaf
You might have heard about banaba extract, which is nowadays used as a dietary supplement as well as herbal remedy. This extract is prepared from banaba leaf, produced by the banaba bush (Lagerstroemia speciosa). It is a plant native to certain parts of southeast Asia, especially, countries, like, Philippines and India. Grown for ornamental purposes, this plant is now found in many regions across the globe. The leaves of this plant are said to have medicinal properties and in Philippines, it is also used as a herbal medicine. Nowadays, banaba leaf extract is available in almost all parts of the world and is used as a dietary supplement as well as a herbal medicine.

Banaba leaf extract
Banaba Leaf Facts
The name banaba may not be familiar for you, but, you might have seen queen crepe myrtle, which is also known as giant crepe myrtle. Banaba is the local name for this crepe myrtle, in Philippines. This bushy plant may grow to medium-sized trees with a height of up to twenty meters. Banaba tree has mottled flaky bark and its leaves are oval in shape with a waxy finish. The flowers are usually produced during the summer and the fall. Banaba flowers have a wrinkled texture and are formed in clusters. The colors may range between red, white, lavender, purple, etc The green fruits of this plant turn brownish in color, as they ripe. As mentioned above, it is widely grown as an ornamental tree, but, banaba leaf is used for medicinal purposes too. Let us take a look at the various aspects of banaba leaf benefits.

Benefits of Banaba Leaf
Banaba leaf is said to have various active ingredients that are beneficial for remedying certain health problems. The most important among them is corosolic acid, which is claimed to have blood sugar lowering properties. Apart from that, banaba leaf contains phytochemicals, like, reginin A, flosin B and stroenin. These compounds are also said to play an active role in the blood sugar lowering property of banaba leaf. Even though, there is no conclusive evidence to prove the effectiveness of banaba leaf in lowering blood glucose levels, various studies and trials conducted on animals as well as humans, support this claim. The most important health benefit of banaba leaf is its so called use in treating hyperglycemia, diabetes, etc.

Banaba leaf
While, the traditional use of banaba leaf is in the form of banaba leaf tea, nowadays, it is available in the form of banaba leaf extract. This extract, prepared from the leaves of this tree is said to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels too. Even this claim is supported by animal trials, wherein, overweight mice were administered with banaba extract for a certain period of time, after which the mice were found to lost body weight as well as body fats to some extent. So, banaba leaf extract is also promoted as a weight loss supplement.

In short, banaba leaf is one of those herbal remedies that is nowadays used as a dietary supplement as well as herbal medicine. As there is no scientific proof for the same, you must always seek the opinion of your doctor, before using this product. Even though, it is claimed to be a safe, some of the users may develop banaba leaf extract side effects, like, hypoglycemia. It should not be used by pregnant and nursing women, those who are taking medications for diabetes and hyperglycemia and those with heavy menstrual bleeding. Even those people with hypoglycemia must avoid use of banaba leaf. The above said information is only a brief overview about banaba leaf and if you intend to use it for medicinal purposes, it should done under the strict supervision of a qualified herbal practitioner only.