
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thai herbs

Thai food is currently enjoying an international vogue. There are numerous Thai restaurants all over the world in large cities such as Los Angles, London, New York, Paris, Tokyo and many other. The following are some essential herbs and spices used in Thai cooking. The proper combination of all these ingredients is regarded as an art in Thailand, one that requires both skill and time. The preparation of a single sauce can take hours of grinding, tasting and delicate adjustment until the exact balance of flavours is achieved. Only then, can the true glory of Thai cooking be fully appreciated


Galanga: "Kha" in Thai
Greater Galanga is an erect annual plant with aromatic, ginger-like rhizomes, and commonly used in Thai cooking as a flavouring. The approximately 0.04 volatile oil content has therapeutic uses as carminative, stomachic, antirheumatic and antimicrobial agents.

Hoary Basil

Hoary Basil: "Maeng-lak" in Thai
Hoary Basil is an annual herbaceous plant with slightly hairy and pale green leaves, eaten either raw or used as a flavouring, and containing approximately 0.7% volatile oil. Therapeutic benefits include the alleviation of cough symptoms, and as diaphoretic and carminative agents.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thai Herbs in Thai cooking

Thai food is currently enjoying an international vogue. There are numerous Thai restaurants all over the world in large cities such as Los Angles, London, New York, Paris, Tokyo and many other. The following are some essential herbs and spices used in Thai cooking. The proper combination of all these ingredients is regarded as an art in Thailand, one that requires both skill and time. The preparation of a single sauce can take hours of grinding, tasting and delicate adjustment until the exact balance of flavours is achieved. Only then, can the true glory of Thai cooking be fully appreciated


Garlic: "Kra-thiam" in Thai
Garlic is an annual herbaceous plant with underground bulbs comprising several cloves. Dried mature bulbs are used as a flavouring and condiment in Thai cuisine. The bulbs contain a 0.1-0.36% garlic oil and organic sulfur compounds. Therapeutic uses are as an antimicrobial, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, anti flatulence and cholesterol lowering agents.


Ginger: "Khing" in Thai
Ginger is an erect plant with thickened, fleshy and aromatic rhizomes. Used in different forms as a food, flavouring and spice. Ginger's rhizomes contain a 1-2% volatile oil. Ginger's therapeutic uses are as a carminative, antinauseant and antiflatulence agent.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thai Herbs often used in Thai cooking

Thai food is currently enjoying an international vogue. There are numerous Thai restaurants all over the world in large cities such as Los Angles, London, New York, Paris, Tokyo and many other. The following are some essential herbs and spices used in Thai cooking. The proper combination of all these ingredients is regarded as an art in Thailand, one that requires both skill and time. The preparation of a single sauce can take hours of grinding, tasting and delicate adjustment until the exact balance of flavours is achieved. Only then, can the true glory of Thai cooking be fully appreciated


Chili: "Phrik" in Thai
Chili is an erect, branched, shrub-like herb with fruits used as garnishing and flavouring in Thai dishes. There are many different species. All contain capsaicin, a biologically active ingredient beneficial to the respiratory system, blood pressure and heart. Other therapeutic uses include being a , carminative and anti flatulence agent, and digestant.


Cumin: "Yi-ra" in Thai
Cumin is a small shrubbery herb, the fruit of which contains a 2-4% volatile oil with a pungent odour, and which is used as a flavouring and condiment. Cumin's therapeutic properties manifest as a stomachic, bitter tonic, carminative, stimulant and astringent.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Simple Thai Herbal Remedies for Colds and Sinus Congestion

For many of us, when cold weather begins, we'll start thinking about promoting our immune system to ward off winter's cold and flues. In winter, Thailand is still warm enough by Western standards.

Northeast tend to be cooler than Bangkok, generally with temperatures dropping into the mid 20 degrees Celsius while the winter cold on the other hand, multiple copies for easy remedies are natural and warm the body and immune system. Next time you're feeling unwell, try some of these Thai herbal remedies.

The first on our list is Ginger. Ginger is called "Khing" in Thai. It really is the "King" of the Southeast Asian herbs so it gets the No. 1 place on our list of effective remedies, even though it is very simple. Ginger is the most frequently used herb in Thai Herbal Medicine. Considered a "hot" herb it has been shown to stimulate circulation and reduces congestion. A simple tea may be made from either dried or fresh ginger root. I prefer to use fresh, which is generally available at most Asian or natural foods markets. To make the tea, you need about a thumb size piece of ginger. Wash then peel it, and add to a saucepan of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 15 minutes. (Ginger, being a rhizome takes longer to brew than leafy herbs) Let cool to taste then strain. You may drink it as it or add some fresh lemon or honey to taste.

Format easy ginger tea is to add Thai chili with tea Pepper also considered an herb, "hot" in Thai medicine. High in vitamin C, it is considered as tonic for the body and helps to clear mucus congestion. Auay to add Thai chili when simmering, I usually add 2 of small red pepper. I recommend starting with one (Rule is a good small pepper, hotter than it is.) Do not cut or chopped chili, add the ginger and simmer for 15 minutes simmering water above. Add honey and fresh lime juice to taste.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lemon Grass

About Lemon Grass
Lemon Grass is a herb originating from India, but is now a prime ingredient in the cuisine of countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. The Thai name for lemon grass is Takrai ตะไคร้ also known by its French name Citronnelle.

Lemon Grass In Thai Cooking
For Cooking Lemon grass is equally good added to meat, seafood and fish dishes and can be used in fresh, dried or powdered form

- Thai Salads like Yam Neua ( beef salad)

- Thai Soups like Tom Yum Gung (spicy prawn soup) or Tom Yum Gai (spicy Chicken soup)

- Fish dishes like pla takrai and a fish salad like Yam Pla

- Red and Green curry pastes

The Health Benefits Of Lemon Grass

Lemon Grass as a healing herb also has a number of wonderful benefits. It is said that Lemon Grass has

- A calming effect and wards off anxiety.

- Relieves Insomnia and stress.

- Can be used in aid to detoxify the Pancreas, kidneys, liver, bladder and the digestive tract.

- Contains antifungal and antibacterial properties.

- Cuts down cholesterol, uric acid and excess fats.

- Stimulates digestion.

- Relieves pain like headaches and fever.

- Relieves tension and stiffness.

- Is said to help relieve arthritic pain and rheumatism.

- Improves blood circulation, reduces blood pressure.

- Reduces acne and improves the skin.

- Can even be used as a mild insect repellent to keep away mosquitos and other unwanted visitors.

- Lemon Grass tea provides a number of benefits as the lemon grass is rich in vitamin c’s and loaded with anti – oxidants, it is said for reducing cholesterol drink Lemon grass tea with honey.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Herbal Thai Massage

Caused by traditional Thai, traditional Thai massage, herbal tea is a popular modality West. Thai Yoga Massage dates back over 2500 years, itself has its roots from both India and China for treatment.

A combination of Thai herbal compress and Thai massage techniques, a treatment designed to soothe almost any one of the support that may be experiencing.

History of Thai Yoga Massage.

Jivaka Kumar Bahaccha, monk and founder of Thai medicine and Thai massage techniques, Thai Massage was established to reduce pain by improving the flow of 'Prana' or life force within the body.

Thai herbal massage
Prana flows through the body along a path called 'Zen line. In theory, when someone is experiencing pain or disease that has upset the flow of Prana, which flows along the line of these signs.

When these blockages are stimulated by pressure, stretching and massage techniques with modified yoga postures used in traditional Thai massage, clog it out for Prana to move freely again. Prana as easily flow out again, various systems of the body of each saturated with nutrients essential to improve the body's normal functions. Is starting to return to equilibrium, relieve pain, restore energy and customers filled with a sense of renewed vitality and well-being.

Yoga Connection.
Thai massage is created on the basis of yoga philosophy and tradition, because it helps to balance not only the body but the mind and spirit as well. Therapeutic Thai general meditates before each treatment to clear their minds of distracting thoughts and focus on bringing the power of massage therapy.

As noted previously modified yoga postures themselves are integrated into each massage session to create avenues to use a variety of massage techniques. Quality therapeutic Thai massage, calming to the movement by imposing a rhythm and focus while connecting postures similar to yoga.

Thai herbal massage, hot compress consists of a collection of aromatic herbs grown traditional herbs in Thailand Compression is only a bag filled with Thai herbs ground cloth tightly wrapped in porous nature often does not wash clothes or cotton muslin

Steam is the most common herbs to stimulate, then press or roll the body in the period before or after the massage, Thai yoga When used in conjunction with Thai massage, a hot ball gives the muscles and joints of the body movement and greater flexibility.

Herb itself is absorbed through the skin and body to facilitate the release of further energy development is not obstruction of the energy balance within the body. Some of the herbs that have a feature that allows the negative portrayal of the inflammation and swelling are common injuries.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thai natural products industry

During the past decade, was revived around the world herbal medicine and traditional health practices. Therefore, the use of herbal medicine and herbal supplements have been increasing dramatically. A large natural source of Thai medicinal plants and herbal medicines can also be alert to global trends. A large number of research groups from both public and private institutions have been working on medicinal plants and herbal medicines that make a scientific basis to support the use of safe and effective and their development of these Thai herbs. Love is a modern herbal quality and reliable performance.

The results of research and development of Thai herbs now been produced in a wide range of products including health foods and drinks supplements, herbal medicines are natural ingredients in cosmetics and these products have now become part Daily life in Thailand. Thai herbal products are made with an awareness of global trends of quality assurance in mind. Therefore, the natural products industry in Thailand had the opportunity to observe guidelines "Good. Practice "are. Good Agricultural Practice (GMP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) to ensure consistency of product quality and performance.

Thai herb

Thailand is ready to bring their products to the world stage Thai herbs as part of the international market. The following is an example of "Thai herbal products," we are proud to introduce to the world market to meet the needs of those who are serious about health and beauty of them by nature and the world to prove. their excellence.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How Strong Medicine are Healing Teas

Strong tea as medicine
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 80% of the world's population satisfy their primary health care needs with traditional herbal medicine. Preparation of these herbs, passed through the generation and verification of a doctor, a model known as the oldest of health care.

Herbal medicine, but less common in primary health care in North America is growing acceptance of alternatives in terms of both prevention and promotion. Often these plants are prepared to deliver the most efficient way to "cocaine" with good results continued dating back hundreds of years, this tea will explain the best treatment is strong medicine.

Many herbal tea preparation can be found under the name of fun every day BIJA can be preventatives. Enhance immunity, or if we stick with the Guard into an effective treatment for colds and flu

BIJA of lemon, ginger and echinacea preparation work to strengthen the immune system and help fight colds with echinacea in many ways the ability to increase

Healing teas
White blood cell count. Ginger Jam move, bringing relief to muscles and increase efficiency in the preparation of all achy. Lime will help the environment as acid alkalinize that can induce disease increased tea BIJA is STOP cool combination of cold, traditional and therapy for influenza eight leaves no stone unturned in the course of their herbal hot and taste like licorice, eucalyptus, cinnamon, cardamom, tree surveyors directory Shaw, Times, ginger and peppermint. Antibiotic action work together to kill the creature attacks, while helping the body recover by supporting website tissue active BIJA echinacea elderberry and cranberry and Rooibos is a combo. aimed at preventing problems before they start An increase in immune function can expel invaders before they can hold in a healthy and easy to do activities and Bursting with flavor this tea is ideal for daily use.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chinese Medicine - Finding The Practitioners

Chinese Medicine
Do you have a head cold for over month. No matter what type of drug you try, you can not eliminate the problem does not still linger, knock you out of being able to have the energy you need and function of the level you need every day. From desperate for an answer to get rid of illness, you begin to look for other alternatives.

Friends recommended acupuncturist. With you to help in solving the problem. There happens to be the man she was to the person who could help you to be cured of your cold. Even if you are laughing at first cool drag on long enough and you are willing to try alternative You schedule an appointment and get ready to try something a little different with some alternatives.

For most of the cynicism that the idea of some Chinese medicine really works. Although an ancient practice has been developed well in both body and soul, it does not bind a very scientific to think that the West will see the second.
Chinese Herbs
Many people who have a few bottles of prescription drugs that are not working right now trying to find a treatment option. If you want to join the growing number of people who are working towards alternative medicine, you can look directly into Chinese medicine. A variety of practitioners who have all to understand how it can help you maintain.

If you are familiar with Chinese medicine as an alternative, you may have noticed that it did not seem to have a lot of advertising. alternatives.Just. This is true because you do not have to give up hope of finding. Your choices about your health. Through a simple search for something you can find the best way to increase the efficiency of health services, and your energy.

The good news about Chinese medicine is working mostly came from the direction of training the first time in the ancient practice. Although it may be said that they are experts in the particular type of action you can suspect that they know something about what a complete picture of Chinese medicine. For example, if you know the business of acupuncture, you will be safe to ask about alternative and herbal.

Not only can you ask about working in local Chinese medicine, you can also find other sources of information that can help. Because alternative medicine is becoming more popular, you can find the relationship of national organizations dedicated to promoting alternative ways of Chinese medicine. The links to these organizations as an alternative, you can expand the possibilities and knowledge of holistic health your

Find out how to link body, mind and spirit also means finding people who have been examples of the beginning of alternative health. A variety of possibilities exist that can link you to the understanding and practice of energy flow